Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My love of mannequins & statues.

Maybe it's the actress in me who likes to pretend she's someone who can have a conversation or a relationship with an inanimate object. Maybe it's the girl who's comfortable with things that can't talk back or judge me. The one who loves animals and babies for the same reason. Whatever the mental case, I love love love mannequins and statues and inanimate things with a face and I love to throw my adult body all over them. Here's a small sample of some of those "people" I've met. I'm curious to know what your "thing" is?


  1. Sweet photos. My thing? Hmmmm...I'd say movies. You can just relax and escape in them.

  2. I like the artistry and craftsmanship of blades and weaponry. It represents something primal, an elemental aesthetic. I look at statues and inanimate figures in a similar way…(wonvoyce)

  3. Thanks Mike and Wonvoyce for sharing :)

  4. I'm a nut for statues...and trees for some reason. I mean, can't pay me to go camping, but put me with a tree and I'm ridiculously calm for some reason...same thing when I'm around water. Also, children...there's something that draws children to me and I have no way to explain it. Very odd. Great to see you're blogging, hon!

  5. same here except for kids...though they hv been smiling at me more
